For Luges and Sledges

Recreational tobogganing and also natural track tobogganing in the context of World Cups are experiencing a continuous upward trend in popularity among active participants and spectators. The merry game of tobogganing is especially fun when it goes quickly down into the valley. We supply the right wax for this, from sports wax, which already provides plenty of momentum, to the racing waxes compiled here, which are designed for performance competitions. Be careful with waxes when children are tobogganing alone! They must be able to control the equipment safely if it is additionally accelerated by wax.

Natural track lugers also use waxes on their tracks. It goes without saying that the athletes use racing waxes adapted to the conditions on their surface or steel tracks in order to achieve higher speeds. Where fractions of a second are at stake, as in the Luge World Cup, ZIPPS liquid waxes have been the favourite wax of the best for many years.

Recreational tobogganing and also natural track tobogganing in the context of World Cups are experiencing a continuous upward trend in popularity among active participants and spectators. The... read more »
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For Luges and Sledges

Recreational tobogganing and also natural track tobogganing in the context of World Cups are experiencing a continuous upward trend in popularity among active participants and spectators. The merry game of tobogganing is especially fun when it goes quickly down into the valley. We supply the right wax for this, from sports wax, which already provides plenty of momentum, to the racing waxes compiled here, which are designed for performance competitions. Be careful with waxes when children are tobogganing alone! They must be able to control the equipment safely if it is additionally accelerated by wax.

Natural track lugers also use waxes on their tracks. It goes without saying that the athletes use racing waxes adapted to the conditions on their surface or steel tracks in order to achieve higher speeds. Where fractions of a second are at stake, as in the Luge World Cup, ZIPPS liquid waxes have been the favourite wax of the best for many years.

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ZR 50 X-Wet, Luft: min. +4°
Hazard symbol Health hazard Hazard symbol Flame
ZR 50 X-Wet, Luft: min. +4°
Unentbehrlich bei Lufttemperaturen deutlich über 0°C und bei hoher bis sehr hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit ist unser Spezial-Rennwachs X-Wet. Das fluorierte Produkt ist für sehr nassen Schnee und bei Regen hervorragend geeignet!...
Content 0.05 Liter (€800.00 * / 1 Liter)
From €40.00 *
ZR NewSnow Luft: -5° / +5°
Hazard symbol Health hazard Hazard symbol Flame
ZR NewSnow Luft: -5° / +5°
Wachsprobleme bei Neuschnee gehören mit ZR NewSnow der Vergangenheit an! Dieses High-Fluor-Rennwachs ist spezialisiert auf diese Bedingungen und wegen seiner herausragenden Performance auch im Spitzensport eine "Bank"....
Content 0.05 Liter (€800.00 * / 1 Liter)
From €40.00 *
ZR 20 HS (HighSpeed) Luft: -10° / 0°
Hazard symbol Health hazard Hazard symbol Flame
ZR 20 HS (HighSpeed) Luft: -10° / 0°
Trockener Neuschnee, hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit - perfekte Bedingungen für ZR 20 HS (HighSpeed) für alpinen Skisport, Snowboard und Rodeln. Mittlerer Fluorgehalt für kalte Temperaturen unterstützt die Performance dieses Rennwachses....
Content 0.05 Liter (€800.00 * / 1 Liter)
From €40.00 *
ZR 40 HS, 50ml, white cap
Hazard symbol Health hazard Hazard symbol Flame
ZR 40 HS (HighSpeed) Luft: min. 0°
Rennwachse für hohe Geschwindigkeiten für Alpinski, Snowboard, Rodel benötigen eine spezielle Fluorierung, um den Ansprüchen der Athleten an Abriebfestigkeit und Speedvermögen zu genügen. Unser HighFluor-Wachs ZR 40 HS erfüllt diese...
Content 0.05 Liter (€800.00 * / 1 Liter)
From €40.00 *
ZR 30 HS (HighSpeed) Luft: -5° / +5°
Hazard symbol Health hazard Hazard symbol Flame
ZR 30 HS (HighSpeed) Luft: -5° / +5°
Pulverschnee und das Gemisch aus Alt- und Kunstschnee sind die idealen Schneearten für dieses HighFluor-Rennwachs für den mittleren Temperaturbereich um die 0°C herum. ZR 30 HS ist als Rennwachs für hohe Geschwindigkeiten entwickelt und...
Content 0.05 Liter (€800.00 * / 1 Liter)
From €40.00 *
ZR NewSnow F60+ - 50ml Luft: -5° / +5°
Hazard symbol Health hazard
ZR NewSnow F60+ - 50ml Luft: -5° / +5°
Version F 60+ / Kann im aufgegebenen Gepäck an Bord eines Flugzeugs genommen werden / Kein Gefahrgut. Wachsprobleme bei Neuschnee gehören mit ZR NewSnow der Vergangenheit an! Dieses High-Fluor-Rennwachs ist spezialisiert auf diese...
Content 0.05 Liter (€800.00 * / 1 Liter)
€40.00 *
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